Comparison Review: Things 3 vs Todoist – SaaS Battle for Task Management Efficiency

Task management apps have become an essential tool for many individuals and teams, helping them stay organized and focused on various projects. Among the countless productivity apps available, Things 3 and Todoist stand out as two of the most popular and highly-rated choices. This article will provide a comprehensive comparison of these two task management apps and examine their features, usability, and pricing, to help you make an informed decision.

Things 3 is a beautifully designed task manager specifically tailored for Apple devices, including macOS and iOS platforms, as well as the Apple Watch. It offers an intuitive user interface, allowing users to effortlessly organize their tasks into projects, areas, and tags. Furthermore, Things 3 excels in date integration and calendar views, making it easier to keep track of your deadlines and priorities.

On the other hand, Todoist is a powerful cross-platform task management app available on multiple platforms like Android, iOS, Windows, and web. It boasts an impressive array of features including labels, filters, and natural language input for easy task creation. Todoist also supports collaboration for teams, allowing users to share projects, assign tasks, and attach files. In terms of pricing, Todoist offers both a free plan and a paid subscription, making it accessible for various budgets and needs.

Make your choice

About Things 3

Screenshot of things 3 website

Things 3 is a task management app designed for Apple users, exclusively available for iOS, Mac, and Apple Watch devices. Developed by Cultured Code, it has gained popularity for its sleek and clutter-free user interface that features a well-organized layout. Users can effortlessly navigate through the app, managing their tasks with ease.

One of the main reasons users are drawn to Things 3 is its simplicity. The app allows the creation of tasks and to-dos which can be easily organized into various projects and categorized using tags. The application also enables setting deadlines and reminders to keep track of important dates.

Key features of Things 3 include:

  • Quick Find: Users can search for any task, project, or tag using a powerful search functionality.
  • Magic Plus Button: Allows easy addition of new tasks and to-dos, be it in the inbox, today view, or to a new project.
  • Checklists: Helps break down larger tasks into smaller actionable items.

Things 3 is well-regarded for its user-friendly interface, its ability to help manage tasks efficiently while visually appealing. However, the limitation to Apple devices may be a drawback for users with multiple platforms or non-Apple users.

While Things 3 excels in design, it lacks some advanced features present in other task management apps, like collaboration tools. This makes it primarily suitable for personal productivity rather than team-based projects.

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About Todoist

Screenshot of todoist website

Todoist is a popular task management application that helps users to organize their tasks and projects efficiently. Todoist is known for its cross-platform availability, which includes Android, iOS, Windows, Mac, Apple Watch, and Web, making it accessible for a wide range of users across various devices source.

One of Todoist’s standout features is its natural language processing capability that makes adding and organizing tasks simple and user-friendly. Users can easily input tasks with syntax like @, #, and !!, making it easy to categorize and prioritize their to-do lists source.

This task manager provides users with a clean and intuitive interface, allowing them to focus on their tasks and efficiently manage their time. Todoist offers various features, such as subtasks, due dates, recurring tasks, priority levels, and project sharing, which contribute to its widespread adoption and positive reviews source.

In addition to its versatile features, Todoist offers integrations with other productivity tools like Google Calendar, Dropbox, and Zapier, making it a powerful tool for professionals, as it seamlessly fits into their existing workflow source.

Make your choice

Round 1: Best UX

Round 1

When it comes to the user interface and design, Things 3 sets a high benchmark. The app boasts a clean, minimalistic design with a focus on simplicity and ease of use. The overall experience feels intuitive, with a smooth workflow for task entry and management. The use of white space and visually appealing icons make Things 3 an attractive and enjoyable app to use.

On the other hand, Todoist also offers a decent user experience with a clean and organized interface. However, compared to Things 3, it tends to lean more towards functionality rather than aesthetics. The app’s interface focuses on providing users with powerful features, such as complex natural language processing support and integration with Google Calendar, as mentioned in this comparison.

In terms of simplicity, both apps aim to create an easy-to-use environment for their users. Things 3’s philosophy revolves around keeping it simple while maintaining a fluid and intuitive experience. Users can quickly add and manage tasks with minimal effort, making it an ideal choice for those who prefer a straightforward approach to task management.

Todoist, while not quite as visually appealing as Things 3, still offers an easy-to-navigate interface. Users can find and sort tasks quickly, thanks to the robust filters and organization features provided by the app. Additionally, Todoist’s natural language processing allows users to enter tasks more efficiently, as the system interprets and categorizes the tasks based on the language used.

As we’ve explored, the user experience varies between Things 3 and Todoist. With Things 3 shining in terms of design and visual appeal, it provides an engaging and enjoyable experience for users who value aesthetics in their productivity tool. In contrast, Todoist’s strength lies in its functionality, delivering powerful and versatile features to users who need a more feature-rich task management solution.

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Round 2: Features Comparison

Round 2

When it comes to features, both Things 3 and Todoist are powerful task management apps. Each offers a robust set of tools designed to help individuals and teams stay organized and productive.

Task Management: Both apps excel in task management, allowing users to create to-do lists, set deadlines, add notes, and much more. Tasks in Things 3 can be organized into projects, areas, and checklists, whereas Todoist allows for the use of projects, labels, and filters to manage tasks. Both apps support sub-tasks, allowing users to break larger tasks into smaller, more manageable pieces.

Reminders and Priorities: Both apps offer reminders and priority settings, enabling users to set important tasks and deadlines. Things 3 provides a unique “Logbook” feature that stores completed tasks for future reference. Todoist, on the other hand, utilizes natural language input for easy task creation and deadline setting.

Interface and Theming: Things 3 has a visually appealing and user-friendly interface, with customizable themes to suit individual preferences. Todoist has a clean, minimalist design that focuses on functionality. However, it lacks the visual customization options available in Things 3.

Integrations and Cross-Platform Support: One of the critical differences between the two apps is platform availability. Todoist is a cross-platform app, supporting Android, iOS, Windows, Mac, and Web, making it accessible to a wider audience. Things 3, however, is available only on iOS, Mac, and Apple Watch.

In terms of integrations, Todoist has an advantage with a wider range of third-party app support, including systems like Google Calendar and Dropbox. Things 3 has limited integration options but does offer calendar integration and the ability to attach files to tasks.

Collaboration and Project Management: Todoist is tailored for team collaboration, providing features such as shared projects, real-time updates, and the ability to assign tasks to team members. On the other hand, Things 3 is primarily designed for individual use, and it doesn’t offer the same level of team collaboration features as Todoist.

In conclusion, both Things 3 and Todoist have their strengths and weaknesses. The choice between the two ultimately depends on the user’s preferences, needs, and the platforms they prefer. Things 3 excels in interface aesthetics and theming, while Todoist has the upper hand in cross-platform support, integrations, and team collaboration.

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Round 3: Price

Round 3

When it comes to price, both Things 3 and Todoist offer different pricing structures for their users. Things 3 comes with a one-time purchase fee, while Todoist provides both free and subscription-based plans.

Things 3 has a unique pricing approach, charging a flat one-time fee instead of a recurring subscription. For iPhone users, Things 3 costs $9.99, while the iPad version is priced at $19.99. The macOS version is the most expensive, retailing at $49.99. It is worth noting that these prices are separate, so users who want the app on multiple devices will need to make multiple purchases.

On the other hand, Todoist offers a more flexible pricing model. Users can start with a free plan that provides access to basic features and supports up to 80 active projects. For those who require more advanced features and unlimited projects, Todoist offers a Pro plan which costs $5 per month or $45 per year.

In terms of the free version, Todoist has a clear advantage as Things 3 doesn’t offer any free options. For users who prefer a subscription-based model with the option to cancel at any time, Todoist may be the better choice. However, for users who prefer a one-time purchase without worrying about recurring payments, Things 3 could be more appealing.

In conclusion, the pricing differences between Things 3 and Todoist heavily depend on personal preferences and individual requirements.

Make your choice

Battle Decision: Todoist Winner

Battle Decision

When comparing Todoist and Things 3, several factors contribute to Todoist coming out on top. Starting with platform compatibility, Todoist caters to all major platforms, including Android, iOS, Windows, Mac, Apple Watch, and Web. On the other hand, Things 3 is limited to Apple-exclusive products, including iOS, Mac, and Apple Watch. This versatility in platform support makes Todoist a more accessible task management option for various users.

In terms of functionality, Todoist boasts an array of features that make it beyond a basic to-do list app. For instance, it offers multiple levels of task organization, such as projects, labels, and filters, allowing users to create a personalized, structured workflow. Furthermore, Todoist supports natural language input for task creation, making the process quicker and more intuitive. While Things 3 offers some organizational features, its minimalistic approach and limited customization options might not cater to every user’s demands.

Moreover, Todoist shines when it comes to collaboration, as it enables sharing tasks and assigning them to team members. This feature is particularly valuable for teams working together on projects, allowing seamless delegation and progress tracking. Unfortunately, Things 3 lacks any form of task sharing or team collaboration, resulting in a more isolated user experience.

Lastly, the pricing structure favors Todoist, as it provides a free version with limited functionalities, as well as a paid version for those who need more advanced features. This flexibility in pricing plans makes the app more budget-friendly and adaptable to various users’ needs. In contrast, Things 3 comes with a one-time, platform-dependent fee, making it a less economically flexible choice.

Taking all these factors into account, it is clear that Todoist emerges as the superior choice in this battle, offering a comprehensive task management solution for users of all platforms, cross-functional collaboration, organizational features, and a flexible pricing structure to suit different requirements.

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