Comparison Review: Planoly vs Hootsuite – SaaS Battle for Social Media Management

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, businesses and content creators need efficient tools to manage their social media presence. Two popular platforms in the market are Planoly and Hootsuite, each offering their distinct features tailored to different specific needs. This article provides a detailed comparison between these two social media management tools to assist users in determining the ideal option for their requirements.

Planoly focuses on visual content planning and scheduling specifically for Instagram and Pinterest, catering to businesses, influencers, and individuals who prioritize these platforms. Meanwhile, Hootsuite offers a broader range of features for various social media platforms, making it suitable for small businesses, entrepreneurs, and content creators seeking a more comprehensive management solution.

To provide an in-depth analysis, this comparison review will cover essential aspects such as pricing, features, usability, and user feedback. This information will equip potential users with the knowledge needed to make an informed decision between Planoly and Hootsuite.

Make your choice

About Planoly

Screenshot of planoly website

Planoly is a popular scheduling tool designed to make content planning and scheduling posts easier for content creators, small businesses, and social media managers. Compatible with Instagram and Pinterest, it offers an intuitive platform for users to manage their visual content on these social media platforms effectively.

The software integrates seamlessly with resources like Dropbox, Google Drive, and Canva, allowing users to easily access their stored images and graphics for scheduling. This is especially useful for content creators who rely on high-quality visuals to engage their followers.

As a social media management tool, Planoly focuses on the needs of users that primarily utilize Instagram and Pinterest, providing functions like visually organizing scheduled posts and analyzing post-performance. This helps businesses and creators to manage their content effectively and grow their presence on these platforms.

Planoly offers a range of features that cater to the specific needs of Instagram and Pinterest users. Some of these features include:

  • Intuitive drag-and-drop functionality for easy scheduling
  • Grid view to preview the look of your feed before posting
  • Saving hashtag groups for quick access to commonly used hashtags
  • Analyzing performance metrics for social media posts and stories
  • Auto-posting for Instagram business accounts, ensuring timely content delivery
  • Collaboration tools for teamwork in content planning and approval processes

In summary, Planoly is a reliable and user-friendly solution for content creators and small businesses that focus on Instagram and Pinterest. Its range of features and smooth integration with tools like Dropbox, Google Drive, and Canva make it a valuable asset in social media management.

Make your choice

About Hootsuite

Screenshot of hootsuite website

Hootsuite is a comprehensive social media management tool that caters to diverse business needs, ranging from individuals to enterprises. It offers a variety of features designed to streamline social media management and tracking across multiple platforms, including Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Snapchat.

In terms of pricing, Hootsuite offers a range of options suitable for different-sized businesses or individual users. Its plans span from free limited-use plans to more robust enterprise-level pricing for larger organizations.

Scheduling plays a pivotal role in Hootsuite’s functionality. As a scheduling tool, Hootsuite enables users to efficiently manage their content planning, allowing them to schedule posts for various social media platforms in advance. This feature not only helps save time but also ensures a consistent presence online, resulting in better audience engagement overall.

Beyond scheduling, Hootsuite’s social media management capabilities extend to organizing teams and managing mentions. The platform allows for collaboration among team members, offering users the ability to assign tasks, communicate and monitor progress, preventing duplication of effort. Moreover, the mentions feature helps users track and engage with their audience by keeping tabs on all social media interactions, such as comments, likes, and shares.

The platform’s versatility supports integration with a wide array of social media platforms, catering to an extensive range of customer needs. This attribute makes it an ideal tool for managing multiple accounts and expanding online presence across various channels.

Lastly, Hootsuite places a strong emphasis on customer service, ensuring users have the resources and assistance they need to make the most of the platform. From comprehensive tutorial videos to helpful forums and responsive support teams, Hootsuite’s customer experience is designed to empower users to excel in their social media management endeavors.

Make your choice

Round 1: Best UX

Round 1

When comparing Planoly and Hootsuite for their user experience, it’s essential to consider the functionality each platform offers, catering to professional social media marketers. In this round, we’ll analyze both platforms’ user experiences to see which provides a more streamlined approach for businesses to organize and manage their social media campaigns.

Planoly’s user interface is visually appealing and straightforward, focusing primarily on the visual content management of select platforms such as Instagram and Pinterest. The platform offers drag-and-drop functionality to help users efficiently plan their content, ensuring a cohesive brand aesthetic. It also provides insights and analytics to help users track their performance. This simplicity makes Planoly an excellent choice for small businesses, entrepreneurs, and content creators.

On the other hand, Hootsuite offers a more comprehensive range of social media management features, catering to businesses of all sizes, across various industries. The Hootsuite dashboard is customizable, allowing users to organize their content and view their data in a way that best suits their needs. With integrations for numerous social networks, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Pinterest, Hootsuite is ideal for larger organizations seeking an all-encompassing social media management solution.

Functionality-wise, Hootsuite excels in offering multiple features that cater to a more extensive range of users’ needs, such as content curation, team collaboration, and advanced analytics. This makes the platform more versatile for handling complex social media strategies. However, this extensive functionality might come at the cost of overwhelming some users who may prefer a more focused and streamlined approach like Planoly’s.

In conclusion, while Planoly offers a neat, visually appealing interface that focuses on the visual aspect of social media management, Hootsuite provides a more comprehensive, customizable dashboard with an array of features addressing various business needs. The best UX choice largely depends on the users’ specific requirements and preferences.

Make your choice

Round 2: Features Comparison

Round 2

In this section, we will compare the features offered by Planoly and Hootsuite to help you make an informed decision.

Planoly focuses primarily on visual content management, making it an excellent choice for businesses that rely heavily on Instagram, Pinterest, and Facebook. It offers media editing tools like filters, allowing users to create consistent and aesthetically pleasing content for their social accounts. Additionally, Planoly supports scheduling and publishing posts on these platforms, as well as managing comments and brand mentions.

On the other hand, Hootsuite provides a more comprehensive feature set, catering to businesses and professionals who use multiple platforms, including Twitter, LinkedIn, Snapchat, YouTube, and TikTok. It goes beyond visual content management, offering publishing tools, social updates, and a unified inbox to manage comments and messages from all connected accounts. Hootsuite also provides analytics and reporting to help users monitor their performance on various platforms.

When it comes to platform compatibility, Hootsuite has a clear edge as it supports a broader range of social media platforms. However, Planoly’s strength lies in its focus on visual content management, making it an ideal choice for businesses that primarily utilize platforms like Instagram and Pinterest.

In terms of media editing features, Planoly has a more extensive offering, allowing users to edit and apply filters to their images directly within the app. Hootsuite, meanwhile, lacks built-in media editing tools but supports integrations with third-party applications like Canva and Adobe Creative Cloud, enabling users to create visually appealing content.

For managing comments, brand mentions, and other social account interactions, both Planoly and Hootsuite offer dedicated tools. Planoly provides comment management for Instagram, Pinterest, and Facebook, while Hootsuite offers a unified inbox that streamlines notifications and messages from multiple platforms.

Overall, the feature comparison between Planoly and Hootsuite reveals that each tool has its strengths, depending on the specific needs of a business. Planoly excels in visual content management and is best suited for brands that focus on Instagram, Pinterest, and Facebook, while Hootsuite offers comprehensive social media management tools for a wider range of platforms, making it ideal for businesses that require robust features and extensive platform support.

Make your choice

Round 3: Price

Round 3

When comparing Planoly and Hootsuite, pricing is an important factor to consider. Both platforms offer different pricing plans ranging from starter packages for individuals to growth and professional plans aimed at larger teams and businesses.

Planoly Pricing:

  • Starter: $13 per month, 1 user, 1 social set (source)
  • Growth: $23 per month, 3 users, 1 social set ($5 for each additional user) (source)
  • Professional: $43 per month, 6 users, 2 social sets (source)

Planoly offers a 7-day free trial and a 15% discount for those who opt for annual billing. It’s worth noting that no credit card is required to start the free trial.

Hootsuite Pricing:

  • Professional: $49 per month, 1 user, up to 10 social profiles (source)
  • Team: $129 per month, up to 20 users, up to 20 social profiles (source)
  • Business: Custom pricing, up to 5-50 users, up to 35 social profiles (source)

Hootsuite provides a 30-day free trial with a credit card required. Their annual billing offers a 33% discount.

In terms of affordability, Planoly is more cost-effective for entrepreneurs and smaller teams, while Hootsuite starts as a higher investment for larger teams and organizations. It’s essential to weigh the features and platform compatibility against the pricing of each platform to determine which best suits your specific needs.

Make your choice

Battle Decision: Planoly Winner

Battle Decision

Planoly emerges as the winner in this battle, primarily due to its focus on user experience and tailored features for specific platforms. Catering predominantly to Instagram and Pinterest users, Planoly simplifies the process of visual content planning and scheduling while delivering an intuitive interface that embraces its target user base.

Businesses looking for a comprehensive social media management tool may initially lean towards Hootsuite, but Planoly’s specialized approach proves to be beneficial in a variety of ways. With features tailored explicitly for Instagram and Pinterest, Planoly makes it easy for businesses to create visually appealing timelines on these platforms, ultimately attracting higher user engagement.

The price is another factor where Planoly shines, offering affordable pricing plans compared to its rival Hootsuite. In addition, Planoly allows users to sign up for a free trial before committing to any paid plans, giving potential clients ample opportunity to test the water and grasp the platform’s capabilities.

While Hootsuite may have the edge in terms of managing multiple social platforms, Planoly’s concentrated approach makes it a more attractive option for businesses that heavily rely on Instagram and Pinterest for their online presence. Users benefit from targeted features designed for visual content platforms, allowing them to devise strategies, organize content, and measure performance with ease.

In conclusion, Planoly’s tailored approach to Instagram and Pinterest, combined with its user-friendly experience, affordable pricing, and effectiveness in managing visual content puts it ahead of Hootsuite in this battle. Businesses striving to boost their social media presence on visually-oriented platforms should consider Planoly as their go-to tool for streamlined content curation and scheduling.

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