Comparison Review: Mighty Networks vs Patreon – Unveiling the Superior SaaS Platform

In the world of online platforms for creators, two significant players have emerged, each offering unique features and benefits: Mighty Networks and Patreon. This comparison review aims to provide a clear, knowledgeable, and unbiased look at both platforms, delving into their differences and similarities to help creators make an informed decision on which one to choose.

Mighty Networks has positioned itself as a comprehensive community builder with robust social networking features and monetization options. It provides creators with the tools to build, grow, and manage an engaged community while generating revenue through memberships, courses, and events. On the other hand, Patreon is a well-established platform focused primarily on supporting creators through recurring payments from patrons, who in turn receive exclusive content and perks.

In the coming sections, we’ll examine the pricing structure, features, and overall user experience offered by each platform. By comparing their pros and cons in various aspects, creators can better understand which option is most compatible with their goals, content, and community.

Make your choice

About Mighty Networks

Screenshot of mighty networks website

Mighty Networks is a powerful community platform that allows creators to build their very own online communities. The platform is designed with a plethora of features that help creators not only foster a sense of community, but also monetize their content and grow their audience.

One of the key aspects of Mighty Networks is its robust community feature, which allows users to create discussion forums, polls, and private groups within their network. This encourages interaction and engagement among members, creating a vibrant and active online community. Additionally, the software provides a customizable activity feed that keeps members updated on new content, conversations, and events.

Mighty Networks also offers creators the ability to design and sell online courses, providing a space for exclusive content and learning. This, combined with the option to sell digital products and memberships, enables creators to generate revenue from their online community.

In terms of customization, Mighty Networks offers a wide array of options. Creators can design the look and feel of their community platform, tailoring it to their own unique brand. Members can also personalize their experience, choosing from a variety of notification settings and preferences.

A standout feature of Mighty Networks is its network effect, which refers to the concept that as more individuals join the platform, its overall value for each user increases. This is particularly evident in the discussions, support, and content shared among members on the platform.

Furthermore, Mighty Networks provides various marketing features that help creators expand their reach. With integrated email marketing capabilities, creators can keep their community informed and engaged, while also promoting their community to new potential members.

Overall, Mighty Networks is a versatile and powerful community platform that enables creators to build and nurture their online community, while also monetizing their content and attracting new members. Its extensive features, customization options, and network effect make it an attractive choice for those looking to create a thriving online presence.

Make your choice

About Patreon

Screenshot of patreon website

Patreon is a popular platform that allows content creators, artists, and podcasters to earn revenue from their community of supporters. With a variety of features designed to help both creators and their fans connect and interact, Patreon has become an essential tool for many individuals looking to monetize their online presence.

The platform operates on a subscription-based model where fans, also known as patrons, can choose to support their favorite creators through different membership tiers. These tiers often come with exclusive content, rewards, and experiences. By offering these incentives, content creators can successfully build and engage with their community while generating a stable income.

One of the notable aspects of Patreon is its ease of use for both creators and patrons. Setting up a creator account and defining membership tiers is straightforward, allowing artists to quickly start receiving income from their supporters. Additionally, the platform offers powerful community-building tools such as the ability to host livestreams, group chats, and integrations with other popular services, such as Discord and Google Hangouts.

Regarding transaction fees, Patreon charges content creators a percentage-based fee depending on their chosen subscription plan. The platform offers multiple plans for creators with various features and support options. On top of the plan-related fees, there is also a standard transaction fee of 2.9% + $0.30 for processing payments from patrons. It’s essential for content creators to be aware of these fees when deciding whether Patreon is the right platform for their needs.

While Patreon has established itself as a widely-used platform for creators to monetize and grow their audience, there are also Patreon alternatives that offer similar services with varying features and fee structures. Some of these alternatives include Mighty Networks, Podia, Ko-fi, and Buy Me A Coffee, giving creators multiple options to consider when looking for the best fit for their specific needs and expectations.

In conclusion, Patreon is a powerful platform for content creators of various types to generate income, build their community, and offer exclusive content and experiences to their most loyal supporters. With its user-friendly interface, multiple subscription plans, and community-building features, Patreon continues to be a prominent choice for creators looking to monetize their work. However, creators should also be aware of the available alternatives and carefully consider which platform best aligns with their goals and preferences.

Make your choice

Round 1: Best UX

Round 1

When it comes to user experience, both Mighty Networks and Patreon have unique features that cater to different creators’ needs. Let’s dive into how each platform offers engagement, personalization, and overall user experience.

Mighty Networks excels in providing a highly engaging experience for its users, thanks to its robust community-building tools. The platform enables creators to build and manage multiple communities under one central hub. In doing so, it fosters interaction between members through real-time discussions, polls, and group events. Furthermore, Mighty Networks allows creators to offer paid courses, memberships, and content, all while keeping everything organized and easily accessible.

On the other hand, Patreon focuses on helping creators monetize their work by offering different membership tiers and benefits to their patrons. The platform is successful in providing a straightforward and easy-to-use interface, making it convenient for both creators and their supporters. While community-building features are available on Patreon, they aren’t as comprehensive as what Mighty Networks has to offer.

In terms of personalization, Mighty Networks reigns supreme. The platform not only enables creators to design and customize their communities but also offers detailed segmentation of members. This means creators can target specific audiences with tailored content and exclusive offers, leading to a more personalized user experience for each member.

Patreon’s ability to personalize revolves primarily around its tiered membership system. Creators can offer different benefits and content based on the patron’s subscription level. However, the lack of advanced targeting on Patreon means the personalization options are slightly limited when compared to Mighty Networks.

As for the overall user experience, Patreon has an advantage due to its wide recognition and seamless payment integration for supporters. Many creators and audiences are already familiar with the platform, which aids in facilitating a smooth onboarding process. Additionally, the easy-to-navigate interface and clear focus on monetization help Patreon maintain a streamlined user experience.

However, Mighty Networks doesn’t lag far behind. Its comprehensive suite of tools, combined with an intuitive interface, results in an engaging user experience that can be highly appealing to creators who want to dive deep into community-building and content creation.

In this round, each platform has its strengths and weaknesses in terms of user experience. Mighty Networks focuses on engagement and personalization, while Patreon excels in ease of use and familiarity. Ultimately, the choice depends on the creators’ goals and the importance they place on factors like engagement, personalization, and overall user experience.

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Round 2: Features Comparison

Round 2

When it comes to features, both Mighty Networks and Patreon offer a variety of tools to help creators and entrepreneurs connect with their audience and monetize their content. In this section, we will compare the key features offered by each platform to assist you in making an informed decision.

Mighty Networks stands out with its extensive offering of features, which include online courses, paid membership options, and events. Creators can also use the platform to build their own branded mobile app and website, giving them more control over their content and user experience. Additionally, Mighty Networks provides excellent analytics to help track engagement and performance, as well as integrations with popular tools like Zoom for live streaming video events.

Furthermore, Mighty Networks emphasizes the “network effect” to build stronger communities by leveraging spaces, courses, and events to create connections and interactions among members. This is in contrast to the more traditional, linear approaches taken by platforms like Teachable and Podia.

Patreon, on the other hand, is known for its easy-to-use monetization features and access to gated content. This platform allows creators to offer subscriptions to different membership tiers with specific rewards for each level. Patreon also supports additional engagement tools such as Q&As, live streaming, and social media posting within its ecosystem.

While Patreon doesn’t offer a standalone website builder like Mighty Networks does, it does integrate with Discord, allowing creators to build a community space around their content. Additionally, Patreon provides a more familiar and straightforward user experience for members familiar with other social media platforms, such as Facebook Groups.

In terms of the support offered, both platforms provide resources and assistance to creators. However, Mighty Networks offers a more proactive and hands-on approach, guiding creators through the process of setting up their community and providing strategic insight.

It’s also worth mentioning that Mighty Networks allows users to host their own events, which can be both in-person and virtual experiences. Patreon doesn’t have a built-in feature for events, but creators can collaborate with third-party platforms like Zoom or other live streaming options to host them.

To sum up, Mighty Networks offers a more comprehensive suite of features tailored to building thriving communities, while Patreon focuses on simpler monetization and engagement tools, making it an ideal choice for creators looking to quickly generate revenue from their content. It’s worth considering the priorities and goals of your community when selecting the platform that suits your needs best.

Make your choice

Round 3: Price

Round 3

When comparing Mighty Networks and Patreon, one of the most crucial factors to consider is the pricing structure. Both platforms come with a range of plans to cater to creators with varying needs and budget constraints.

Mighty Networks offers three main pricing plans: Free, Business, and Enterprise. The Free plan provides basic community features and unlimited members, while the Business plan, priced at $81/month, includes additional features such as analytics, live events, and member payments. The Enterprise plan comes with custom pricing tailored to large-scale organizations and offers advanced features and priority support. Mighty Networks also charges a payment processing fee with Stripe, which is 2.9% + $0.30 per transaction.

Patreon, on the other hand, operates on a percentage-based fee structure. It offers three pricing tiers: Lite, Pro, and Premium. The Lite plan costs 5% of monthly income, the Pro plan costs 8% of monthly income, and the Premium plan costs 12% of monthly income. Creators with a higher income might find Patreon’s fee structure less budget-friendly. Additionally, Patreon charges a payment processing fee of 2.9% + $0.30 per transaction on top of plan fees.

While Patreon focuses on crowdfunding and monthly donations, Mighty Networks emphasizes building a strong membership platform with diversified streams of income. Creators on Mighty Networks can charge for courses, digital content, and paid communities, while Patreon largely concentrates on facilitating donations and membership tiers.

Both platforms support integration with third-party eCommerce platforms for selling physical products or print-on-demand items. Patreon’s integrations include Shopify and WooCommerce, while Mighty Networks offers a storefront for selling physical goods and integrates with platforms like Printful. In both cases, creators can provide members-only content and offer tier-based rewards like early access to content or exclusive merchandise.

Accessibility is another factor worth considering. While Patreon uses a subdomain for creators’ pages, Mighty Networks allows them to customize the URL and branding. Additionally, Mighty Networks offers native mobile apps, providing a seamless user experience for creators and members.

In conclusion, the choice between Mighty Networks and Patreon largely depends on your budget, the way you want to monetize your content, and the level of customization and community engagement you desire. Mighty Networks offers a more comprehensive set of features and a subscription-based pricing structure, while Patreon focuses on donation-based crowdfunding and takes a percentage of creators’ earnings.

Make your choice

Battle Decision: Patreon Winner

Battle Decision

Patreon has emerged as the winner in this SaaS battle, mainly due to its user-friendly interface and its capacity to cater to the varied needs of creators and artists. With its flexible pricing plans and features such as tiered memberships, Patreon offers a more customizable experience compared to Mighty Networks.

While both Patreon and Mighty Networks aim to help creators monetize their content and build communities, Patreon has a stronger focus on supporting individual artists and creators with ongoing, monthly income. As a result, its tools and offerings have been tailored to meet the diverse requirements of its user base spanning podcasters, musicians, painters, and more.

Additionally, Patreon’s well-established reputation as a crowdfunding platform gives it an edge over the competition, including Mighty Networks. As a kind of industry standard, creators flock to Patreon for its reliability, name recognition, and extensive user base.

In contrast, Mighty Networks, while offering similar capabilities, is more suitable for building online communities and courses, as seen through its features for in-platform communications and content organization. However, some creators might find it less intuitive compared to Patreon’s approach, which prioritizes monetization through memberships.

Moreover, Patreon offers a straightforward and transparent fee structure, so creators are aware of their earnings and remaining payouts at all times. This transparency fosters trust, a crucial factor in establishing long-lasting relationships between creators and their supporters.

While Mighty Networks is a worthy alternative and a strong competitor, Patreon ultimately takes the crown in this battle due to its user-first approach and creator-focused tools. For artists and creators seeking to monetize their content in a customizable, secure, and reliable manner, Patreon is the platform of choice.

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