Comparison Review: HoneyBook vs Dubsado – Unveiling the Ultimate SaaS Battle

In the world of client management software, two platforms often go head-to-head: HoneyBook and Dubsado. Both of these platforms cater to the needs of small businesses and freelancers, offering a comprehensive range of features and tools. Whether you’re in search of invoicing capabilities, lead capturing, or workflow automation, these platforms promise to deliver the goods.

The question remains: which one is the better choice for your business needs? In this comparison review, we’ll be diving deep into the similarities and differences between HoneyBook and Dubsado, evaluating their strengths and weaknesses. From pricing to user experience, we’ll objectively determine which platform may suit your business better.

Choosing the right client management platform is crucial for the growth and success of your business. Through a thorough analysis of HoneyBook and Dubsado, we aim to help you make the most informed decision to optimize your workflow, client engagement, and overall business productivity. Stay tuned as we explore these two powerful platforms in detail.

Round 1: Best UX

Round 1

When comparing Honeybook and Dubsado, it’s essential to examine the user experience (UX) of each platform. UX is crucial for small business owners as a well-designed platform can streamline workflows, making it easier to manage client relationships and day-to-day tasks.

Honeybook is praised for its aesthetically pleasing interface and easy-to-use features. The platform is designed to provide a seamless experience, allowing users to navigate through the app with ease and access all required tools without experiencing any confusion. The dashboard offers a clear overview of your tasks, projects, and upcoming events. This allows you to stay organized and on top of your responsibilities.

Dubsado also provides a user-friendly experience, though it may require a slightly steeper learning curve for those who are new to the platform. The interface is still sleek and intuitive, but it might take some time to familiarize yourself with all the available tools and customization options. Despite this, the platform offers a very capable experience, with robust features and powerful workflow automation capabilities that make managing client relationships much more seamless.

When it comes to integrations, Dubsado stands out with its Zoom integration for videoconferencing. This can be particularly helpful for small business owners who need to conduct virtual meetings with clients and team members.

In summary, both Honeybook and Dubsado offer well-designed user experiences tailored to help small business owners efficiently manage their clients and projects. Honeybook’s interface is more intuitive and visually appealing, while Dubsado may require extra time to learn but provides a powerful set of tools and customization options. As each business has unique needs, the best choice in terms of UX will depend on your personal preferences and requirements.

Round 2: Features Comparison

Round 2

HoneyBook and Dubsado both offer a variety of features designed to help small businesses manage their clients and projects. However, there are some key differences between the two that you should consider when deciding which platform is right for your needs.

Project Management and Workflows
Both HoneyBook and Dubsado offer project management features that allow you to track the progress of your projects and automate your workflows. Dubsado stands out with its customizable workflows, which allow you to create a tailored process for each project. HoneyBook, on the other hand, focuses on ease of use and offers a more intuitive interface to manage your projects.

Client Management and Communication
Both platforms offer CRM features to help you manage your contacts and track your communication with clients. Dubsado provides more robust client management capabilities, offering a client portal where clients can access their projects, invoices, and more. HoneyBook also offers a client portal, but with a more limited range of functions.

Billing and Invoicing
Both HoneyBook and Dubsado have invoicing and payment processing features, with some slight differences. HoneyBook integrates with banking partners to provide competitive transaction fees, while Dubsado integrates with popular third-party payment gateways like Stripe and PayPal. Additionally, Dubsado offers the ability to create recurring invoices for ongoing services.

Templates and Forms
Both platforms offer templates and forms to help streamline your business processes. Dubsado offers a wider range of customizable contract and proposal templates, which can be tailored to suit your specific business requirements. HoneyBook provides a more limited range of templates, but with a focus on simplicity and ease of use.

When it comes to integrations, HoneyBook offers more options than Dubsado. HoneyBook integrates with popular tools such as Google Calendar, Gmail, QuickBooks, and Zapier. Dubsado also offers some integrations, like Google Calendar and QuickBooks, but has a more limited selection overall.

In summary, while both HoneyBook and Dubsado aim to help small businesses manage their clients, projects, and billing, there are some key differences in the features they offer. Consider the specific needs of your business and weigh the pros and cons of each platform before making a decision.

Round 3: Price

Round 3

When comparing Honeybook and Dubsado in terms of pricing, it’s essential to consider the various features and offerings that each platform provides. Here, we take a detailed look at the price structures of both platforms to help you determine which fits best within your budget.

HoneyBook offers a transparent pricing model with two payment options, either monthly at $40 per month or annually at $400 per year. What you see is what you get with your HoneyBook membership, as it includes access to all features, additional users, and multiple brands 1.

On the other hand, Dubsado’s pricing structure is slightly different. They offer a monthly plan at $35 per month and a yearly plan at $350 per year. However, it’s crucial to note that Dubsado charges extra for add-ons such as multiple brands and team members, which can cost up to $60 extra per month 2.

Here’s a quick breakdown of the two platforms’ pricing:


  • Monthly: $40
  • Annual: $400
  • Transparent pricing
  • All features, users, and brands included


  • Monthly: $35
  • Annual: $350
  • Add-ons for multiple brands and team members (up to $60 extra per month)

Both platforms offer a free trial period to test their features and determine if it’s the right fit for your business. HoneyBook provides a more extended money-back guarantee of 60 days, while Dubsado has a shorter 14-day window 3.

In conclusion, when considering price in the Honeybook vs. Dubsado battle, it’s crucial to weigh the overall value of the features and offerings you will receive along with the potential additional costs.

Battle Decision: Honeybook Winner

Battle Decision

When it comes to choosing between Honeybook and Dubsado, there are several factors to consider, but Honeybook emerges as the winner for a number of reasons. One significant advantage of Honeybook is its ease of use. The platform is designed with intuitive navigation that minimizes the learning curve for users, making it simpler to navigate than Dubsado1. Whether you’re switching from another CRM or starting fresh, you’ll find Honeybook user-friendly and easy to adapt to.

Another area where Honeybook takes the lead is its strong suite of features tailored to the unique needs of creative professionals. This includes features such as proposal builders, customizable templates, and automated workflows that can save you time and effort in managing your business2. In comparison, while Dubsado also offers customization options, Honeybook’s features are more streamlined and efficient, providing an edge in the battle between the two platforms3.

Additionally, Honeybook’s customer support is known for being responsive and helpful, which can make a significant difference when you’re running a business and need assistance in a timely manner4. On the other hand, Dubsado’s support team may be less responsive, leading to potential delays in addressing crucial issues.

Finally, ‌Honeybook provides a comprehensive mobile app for both iOS and Android devices, enabling you to manage your business on the go5. With access to essential features such as contracts, invoices, and messaging, the mobile app facilitates quick and efficient interactions with clients. While Dubsado also has a mobile app, Honeybook’s app is more robust and user-friendly, giving it an edge in the competition.

In summary, Honeybook’s ease of use, feature suite, customer support, and mobile app superiority make it the winner in this SaaS battle. While Dubsado remains a popular choice for many, Honeybook’s offerings cater well to the needs of creative professionals seeking a powerful and intuitive solution to manage their businesses.


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  4. Honeybook vs. Dubsado: The Ultimate 2022 Review

  5. Honeybook vs Dubsado vs Bloom: Complete Insider Review 2023

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