Unicorn Platform vs Brizy Cloud. Best Website Builder for Startups and SaaS Companies Review
Are you looking for a no-code website builder for your business or SaaS products? Find the website builder alternatives. Read our detailed comparison review of Unicorn Platform vs Brizy Cloud.

Written by Shikhar Singh

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What is a no-code website builder?

No-code website builders are tools that allow users with no technical knowledge to create websites with little or no coding.

How to build websites using website builders?

All you need to do is select a block/component from the collection and edit text, images and links. You have everything you need.

What is a good website builder?

A website builder that offers templates, photo galleries, fast hosting, forms, SEO and blogging features and more is good.

What is Unicorn Platform and Brizy Cloud?

Both are website builders that allow businesses, SaaS companies, and marketers to create no- code websites in minutes.

For whom:

  • SaaS Companies
  • Founders
  • Startups
  • Businesses
  • Enterprises
  • Solopreneurs
  • Freelancers
  • Agencies

They exist to:

  • Make website creation easier
  • Collaborate with your team and clients
  • Save time and money

Alternatives to:

  • Squarespace
  • Wix
  • Unbounce
  • Leadpages
  • Instapage
  • Landingi

Use Cases:

  • Create no-code websites
  • Generate leads via landing pages
  • Design an eye-catching blog



Best Website Builder for Startups & SaaS Companies

About Unicorn Platform

  • Unicorn Platform is a SaaS software designed to create landing pages from scratch.
  • It helps promote and showcase mobile apps, other SaaS solutions, startups, Chrome extensions and more.
  • Alexander Isora founded Unicorn Platform in 2018. According to him, “Their website builder is niched down. It's made for founders and marketers of SaaS companies, mobile and desktop apps, and other tech startups.”
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Unicorn Platform website 2021 | Comparison review

Unicorn Platform Quick Walkthrough Video

Check out Unicorn Platform's Screenshots

Create new project dashboard

My websites dashboard

Add elements dashboard

Add new page dashboard

About Brizy Cloud

  • Brizy Cloud is a website builder platform that simplifies the creation of landing pages and multi-page websites.
  • It offers unlimited hosting space and enticing free publishing options.
  • It was developed by the same team that created exciting tools like ThemeFuse, Unyson, and PixelKit. According to the founders, “Even a nine-year-old child can create an incredible free website all in one day using Brizy Cloud.
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Brizy Cloud website 2021 | Comparison review

Brizy Cloud Quick Walkthrough Video

Check out Brizy Cloud's Screenshots

Create new project dashboard

My websites dashboard

Add elements dashboard

Add new page dashboard

Brizy Cloud is a hosted platform powered by Brizy Builder (uses their own Content Management System) that simplifies the creation of landing pages and multipage websites.

Unicorn Platform, on the other hand, is a platform for building simple websites for SaaS products , or startups.

Today, we will evaluate both tools based on their suitability for building websites for startups and SaaS companies.

Thoughts about Unicorn Platform for building website for Startups and SaaS Companies

  • Unicorn Platform offers custom templates for startups. They also offer startup-specific integrations, components, and features.
  • It offers integration with payment platforms like Stripe to collect one-time and recurring payments, which is the most desirable feature for startups and SaaS companies.
  • It lets you publish your website in just a single click while Brizy Cloud takes more than a step.
  • Unicorn Platform's user interface is elegant, clean, and easy to use. The workflow to create and publish a website is effortless.
  • The final look of the website created with Unicorn Platform is sleek and professional.
  • When I had doubts while testing both platforms, Unicorn Platform was much faster than Brizy Cloud to answer all my questions.
  • Unicorn Platform offers better SEO optimization features compared to Brizy Cloud. It also allows you to add cookie policy widgets on every page.

Thoughts about Brizy Cloud for building website for Startups and SaaS Companies

  • Brizy Cloud offers a variety of design templates, block layouts and elements that you can use to design your websites.
  • With Brizy Cloud, you can build popups and web stories, while these features are not available in Unicorn Platform.
  • You can create a separate account for your clients' work and add collaborators using the subaccount feature in Brizy Cloud to improve workflow.
  • Brizy Cloud automatically generates the sitemap for your website. You can access it by appending /sitemap.xml to the end of your Brizy Cloud website URL.
  • According to my experience, Brizy Cloud still needs to improve its user interface.

Final thoughts

  • Both tools allow you to visually design an attractive website for your Startup and SaaS Products.
  • Unicorn Platform and Brizy Cloud both saves your time by giving you pre-made integrations to collect emails and leads.
  • They both provide fully responsive websites which works really well on both desktop and mobile devices. Both comes with blogging functionalities as well.
  • But Unicorn Platform's tailored templates for Startups and ability to integrate with payment platform to collect payment makes it more desirable as compared to Brizy Cloud.
  • So Unicorn Platform is the winner in this round.

Final Rating:

Here are the ratings:

9/10 to Unicorn Platform

8/10 to Brizy Cloud


Nothing beats a side-by-side features comparison

(Check the table below...)



Unicorn Platform
Brizy Cloud
Custom domains






Storage space



Publishing options



Team members



Pop and alert builder
 Web stories builder
Blogging functionality
Host sites on subdomains
HTML Export
Automatic backup
Hosting , storage and database



Image optimisations



Free plan
White label

In roadmap

Live chat support
Email support
Knowledge base & documentation
Video tutorials and blog

Conclusion Features

Both Unicorn Platform and Brizy Cloud offer great features for building websites. We will list here only the features where the two differ.

Advantages of Unicorn Platform features:

  • Ability to duplicate projects and pages
  • Shopping functionality available
  • Tailored for SaaS and Startups

Disadvantages of Unicorn Platform features:

  • Limited design options available
  • Branding removed only in higher premium plans
  • No subaccount feature

Advantages of Brizy Cloud features:

  • Ability to reorder blocks of the website
  • Use 3rd- party free hosting providers via GitHub
  • Sync blocks between different websites (WordPress or Cloud) using Sync Content Feature
  • Manage all your assets in one place

Disadvantages of Brizy Cloud features:

  • No tracking and analytics feature
  • No media file manager and no ability to duplicate projects

Final Score Features:

  • In terms of features, Brizy Cloud has many advantages over Unicorn Platform. It has more no of templates, advanced customization options, more publishing options, and some additional features.
  • On the other hand, Unicorn Platform offers payment integration, shopping facilities, and project duplication features that are not present in Brizy Cloud.
  • Overall, Brizy Cloud offers more no of advance features than Unicorn Platform. So Brizy Cloud is the winner in this round.

Here are the ratings:

8/10 to Unicorn Platform

9/10 to Brizy Cloud




Unicorn Platform Pricing Overview:
  • Unicorn Platform offers 6 different paid plans. The prices for the paid plans range from $8 per month to $148 per month.
  • There is also a free plan, but with limited features.

Take a look at the Unicorn Platform pricing details:

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Brizy Cloud Pricing Overview:

  • Brizy Cloud offers three paid plans. Typically, prices for the paid plans range from $9 per month to $49 per month.
  • But there's a Black Friday discount of 40% off the prices. So you can get the plans for $5 per month (Personal Plan), $17 per month (Freelancer Plan) and $29 per month (Agency Plan).
  • They also offer a free plan with limited features.

Brizy Cloud's Free Plan includes:

  • Unlimited sites on Brizy Cloud's domain
  • Zero sites on your custom domain
  • Basic designs & functionalities
  • Limited hosting
  • 1 Publishing option

Take a look at the Brizy Cloud pricing details:

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Pros and Cons of Unicorn Platform Pricing:


  • Tailored pricing plans according to your needs
  • Free plan available
  • Unlimited blog posts and pages per website
  • HTML Export in all paid plans


  • Limited collaborators in first three basic plans

Pros and Cons of Brizy Cloud Pricing:


  • Affordable pricing for freelancers and agencies
  • Free plan available
  • Pro designs in all paid plans
  • Unlimited sites on Brizy Cloud's domain


  • HTML export and cloud publishing only in the highest plan

Concluding thoughts on Pricing:

  • Unicorn Platform offers six paid plans and one free plan.
  • Brizy Cloud, on the other hand, offers three different paid plans and one free plan.
  • So if we compare both for a certain number of websites to be published.
  • Let us say there are 20, to publish 20 websites on our custom domain, we need to buy "Freelancer" plan from Brizy Cloud which costs $29 per month while it costs $88 per month from Unicorn Platform.
  • So Brizy Cloud is a good choice for freelancers and agencies considering the price.
  • But if we compare both for startups and SaaS companies, Unicorn Platform offers customised plans for them and is affordable compared to Brizy Cloud.
  • So Unicorn Platform is a good choice for startups and SaaS companies.
  • We do not have a clear winner in this round. So it's a tie.

Here are the ratings:

9/10 to Unicorn Platform

9/10 to Brizy Cloud

Battle Decision


The battles has come to its final decision, and this time it's a TIE.

Let us see why?

UI / UX:

  • When it comes to UI / UX, Unicorn Platform's professional and sleek templates seem very intuitive.
  • It has a very smooth workflow. Overall, UI / UX by Unicorn Platform is better than Brizy Cloud.


  • Both tools offer very professional features for creating no-code websites. But Brizy Cloud has more layouts and elements and has advanced customization options.
  • It offer so many features which are not available in Unicorn Platform like popup & story builder, etc.
  • So if we look at the features, Unicorn Platform is far behind Brizy Cloud.


  • Brizy Cloud's pricing is better for freelancers and agencies, while Unicorn Platform's pricing is better for startups and SaaS companies.

Final Thoughts:

  • There are many website builders with different features. Some offer many customization options, while others charge a small fee.
  • However, Unicorn Platform and Brizy Cloud offer both.
  • If you are a solopreneur, marketer, or agency looking to build websites quickly without having to deal with coding, Brizy Cloud is a good choice.
  • However, it currently has some drawbacks, like the lack of analytics, reports, and funnels. But these features are in the roadmap.
  • On the other hand, if you are a startup or a SaaS company, Unicorn Platform is an excellent choice for you.
  • The company focuses on providing integrations, components, and features for startups.
  • SaaS companies and businesses can also use Brizy Cloud to build their websites with a variety of layouts, components, and advanced customizations.
  • So Startups and SaaS companies looking to build websites using website builders can choose either Unicorn Platform or Brizy Cloud.
  • Both the tools can also help in creating high conversion landing pages, lead generation and marketing landing pages for your business or clients.

Now It’s time to MAKE YOUR CHOICE.